What is an "executive committee"?

Each year our PTSA will conduct a search for nominees for our elected officer positions. These elected officers are referred to as the "executive committee" and are a part of our PTSA Board of Directors.

Stepping up to PTSA leadership is a great way to be involved in your student's school, meet and create relationships with school staff members and other parents/caregivers and to work to enhance the learning and school environment for everyone at ILHS!

Our elected officers are:

President: The president is the spokesperson of the PTSA and chair of our meetings. They are responsible for keeping tabs on all of the activities, committees and "goings-on" of our PTSA.

Vice President: The vice president acts as a back-up to the president in all things. They also complete the annual WSPTA Standards of Affiliation document and are responsible for reserving venues for events.

Treasurer: The treasurer is responsible for maintaining accurate and timely financial records. They receive, deposit and disperse funds for the PTSA. 

Secretary: The secretary prepares accurate minutes of all PTSA meetings. They also maintain a roster of members and verifies quorum at meetings.

Our elected officers are required to attend at least on Washington State PTA approved training a year. One officer must attend the class "PTA & the Law" each year to receive training on PTA non-profit best practices.

To learn more details about the responsibilities of each of these positions, please look over this document.


The following amazing Ravens were elected to the 2024-2025 ILHS PTSA Executive Committee at our May 16th PTSA meeting:

President - Cassie Curry
Vice President - Liz Wong
Treasurer - Rachel Fitzgerald
Secretary - Karin Potter

Thank you to our candidates for volunteering for these very important positions!

Questions? Contact our Nominating Committee @ nomcom@ilhsptsa.org