The goal of the Staff Appreciation team is to create opportunities for volunteers to give back to the staff and teachers at our high school. We love our staff and teachers and want to recognize their hard work and dedication to our students.

NEW THIS YEAR: We will have a set date for Staff Luncheons on the second Friday of every month that school is in session for the year (unless there's a holiday or break). This will help both Staff & Parent/Guardians plan accordingly!


Staff Appreciation Week was May 6th - 10th! THANK YOU to all who helped us celebrate our staff!

Staff Wish Lists

The Staff at ILHS is absolutely amazing! Did you know that they typically purchase items needed in class out of their own pockets? Let's help them out & send in items they need & can use for our students from their Amazon Wish Lists.

All items from Wish Lists below will be sent to the school for everyone's safety & security. 

If Amazon is not your thing, you are more than welcome to purchase basic items from another source like Costco & drop them off in the front office at any time. If you do this, please be sure to label items with the Staff Members name & specify it's for their classroom.

Stacey Hutchison- American Sign Language, Adulting 101/Personal Finance

Jon Cohn- Counselor

Amy Baker- Special Education
Note: Binder is very needed! 

Anthony Eddy- Science & Math

Ashley Crisp - Science
Note: My snack cabinet is always in need. I usually get Costco granola bars, goldfish crackers, and cup-of-noodles to have at the ready for any student that might need it.

Malia Yoder- School Nurse

Andrea Berutti - Social Studies

Mo Diehl - English 10th & 11th

Sarah Gardner - Intervention Specialist

Clare Lunceford - Arts & ASB Advisor

Alex Carpenter- Physics & Environmental Scienc

Kelsea Franklin

Kristin Briley- Librarian

Kelly Duhamel- Office Manager & ASB Bookkeeper

Brianne Gilbert - Para Educator & E-Prep
18 meditation pillows. Where you would like to purchase them is up to the giver. Amazon was a little overpriced.
Here's an example:

akin Fung - Health, Life Fitness & PE

Please email if you have any questions!